NBKBE carries out seven core values publicity and implementation activities


On the evening of June 16, An Weizhan, the former chairman of the board of supervisors of NBKBE, gave an hour's publicity on the seven core values of NBKBE, which was the 22nd publicity meeting of the company's core management team. So far, the first stage of the company's core values publicity and implementation activities have been successfully completed, and the second stage of the company-wide publicity and implementation activities have been launched.


On January 20, the company issued “The Notice on Building the Core Competence of NBKBE Employees”, and decided to carry out the publicity and implementation activity of the seven core values, which are "Assist Customers to Achieve Success, Be Honest and Trustworthy, Be Proactive and Responsible, Pursue Efficiency, Improve and Innovate, Teamwork, and Win-Win Development". On the evening of February 15, company president Lin Guangyao gave the first lecture to kick off the activity. The first stage of publicity and implementation activities lasted nearly five months. The 22 members of the company's core management team brought 22 wonderful publicity sessions. The speakers focused on the meaning of seven core values, their understanding of the connotation of seven core values, typical cases of practicing seven core values, and their implementation plans.


With their respective jobs, perspectives, and work experiences, the 22 speakers understood and explained seven core values, shared cases of practicing the company's core values from the three levels of customers, the company, and employees, and proposed work plans for further practicing seven core values based on their own work and all processes of the company's management.


The core values of enterprise are an important part of an enterprise’s culture. It has been 15 years since the establishment of NBKBE's core values, during which many sublimations and refinements have been carried out, leading the development and growth of the company. The company's core management team believes that in the journey to realize the company's vision, it is more necessary for all employees of the company to practice the seven core values together. With reference to the mode of the first phase, in the next phase, members of each core management team will comprehensively carry out publicity and implementation activities in all parts and departments of the company within their respective management levels.
